Best one yet!
This was great, it has to be the best Brackenwood yet. I love it, it has such a simplistic storyline, beautiful to look at. And I like how you made it so that there is no real dialogue, like every one of your flashes ('cept HitchHiker Pt. 2, but only the bum talks), it makes it so you appreciate looking at it and concentrate on the storyline.
I loved Prowlies, it was wonderful, I love how you animate water. And here, it is based around wide open fields, how I love them, and water! Excellent, and of course, it is in the magical world of Brackenwood. The style is still 10, for it is still a relatively new concept, although perhaps in 3 years, it will go down. I hope that you introduce a new character, like in "Bing-Bong of Brackenwood" and "Auld Sage". Why are they not on Newgrounds? Did they not get accepted? Did you just decide not to submit them? Or is it a way to lure people to your site?
Anyways, a great movie. A++ work.