I voted 5... But, uh... Read \/
This will never be able to stay #1. It went a shizer load too fast. I like how you were trying to be kind of like DBZ in a Nutshell. But, this would be the FUNNIEST THING ALIVE if youu made it go at normal speed. It would be great if some parts moved more too. I very much liked the parts with the girl. Where he eats her gun, and her boobs keep getting bigger, then at the end you made 'em tiny.
I like how she's like, "Look at my ass."
"Sure," or maybe he says, "Ok,", but I don't remember.
I also liked the diareah (however you spell that) guy.
You should have used more of those, "What was that?" Jokes, I think it's funny because there like, "Who's footprints are there?"
"What was that noise?"
You should milk the shit out of that joke.
I hope that this stays at maybe #40 or something though, because this is no way #1 material.
Still good though, please make a remake.
Thanks much.
I'm going to go look at her ass again.